Ponderings of a Journey

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

WATERFALLS - Okay so my boyfriend knows that I love waterfalls. There is something so beautiful and so powerful about a waterfall. I could sit/stand for hours and just look in awe at a waterfall, so frequently he will take me to one of the local waterfalls.

Did you know that water will purify itself in a 9 foot fall, or was it 9 meters? Well anyway water will purify itself, but it must be white water and it must fall. Water that was once dirty is made clean in a fast, hard fall. When the water gets to the bottom of the fall it comes back together again and is clean purified water.

I am very much like the dirty water before it falls hard, and fast. There are times in my life when hard things happen, struggles creep up and jump on me trying to push me down. Those times are times when I am water rushing, hard and fast, over the fall. Those times are times that God will use to purify me and create me to be more like Him, if I let Him. So often I am afraid of the fall. Afraid that when the bottom comes I will be crushed into many pieces. Crushed into to many pieces to be picked back up, but that is fear speaking. The Psalmist David wrote in Psalm 18 - God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before Him. God is not so cruel that He would allow us to go through hard times and then just leave us there in pieces at the bottom. No if we lay the pieces of our broken lives at the throne of our God and Lord He will gently put them back together. He is faith to finish the work that he started. He (God) promises to finish the work that He starts. Look at a waterfall, and what happens to the water after it has rushed over the fall. At the bottom it comes together again and forms and beautiful clear lake, or stream.

So here is a challenge for all of us (myself included, because I would way rather hold onto a branch at the top than fall), when you think that God may be trying to use something to purify, and mold you, let go. Just let go, and let God do what he needs to. It might be hard and it might hurt a little, or a lot. But like the water that needs to fall hard and fast, becoming more Christ like is not easy and it means thought stuff. But in the end the tough stuff is worth it.


At 11:30 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I love your blogs

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

oops... I ment to write more. I love you blog soo much! It always inspires me to write more personal things and what Imactually thinking instead of just events of the day!

Keep striving girl, God is using you!

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

oh ya... sorry this took 3 comments but check out my space.



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